I reach~I grasp {Five Minute Friday Post}

I’ve been doing this Five Minute Friday practice for 3 weeks now. Don’t know what it is? Check it out here.

I’m going to write unedited, unhindered, unscripted for 5 minutes starting NOW…….




I crawl into bed way past the early morning hours of a new day.

I am worn and weary.  My body is weak with pain and overstimulated nerves that seem to torment me day and night these days.  Stress.  I shouldn’t, but I do. I stress and worry.  I lose sleep and pace in and out of my house~ looking for a meaning and a stabilizing of all of this upheaval.  Life.  Complicated. Messy.


And in the midst of my worry, I reach~I grasp.  And my hand finds you.  In the dark, in the stillness. You are there. Breathing heavy and carrying your own worried dreams into the sleep that eludes me.  We touch and for a moment, we forget.  And this is the precious beauty of us.  We are ONE. And when the reaching and the grasping lead to holding and sharing, this is when we conquer those fears and stresses together.  And that is when we rest.




Now go HERE to Five Minute Friday’s posts on the subject of GRASP and read what all of these other bloggers are sharing too!

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